[BangPypers] Post from non-members

Anand Balachandran Pillai abpillai at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 09:45:27 CEST 2009


              Of late there has been a lot of activity in the group,
which is good :) But a side effect has been a sharp increase
in number of non-members trying to post to the list.

              I have been approving all these messages since they
are all relevant and not SPAM.

However if you find that there is a time-lag of a day or more
between your posting and messages appearing in the list, then
it is because you are a non-member and the post was waiting
for moderator approval.

If you find this happening, then take that time to sign up on
the mailing list as a member so that your future posts are not
held up. It is worth it, I assure you :)



PS: Non-members have been BCCed in this email.
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