[BangPypers] [COMMERCIAL] CodersCombat project hosting servicefor all

Umar Shah umar43 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 14:59:33 CEST 2010

many others,

http://www.projectlocker.com is another one that starts of with free plan
for 5 users and 500 MB plan with unlimited projects
http://codesion.com/ <http://www.codesion.com/> also gives out a free
account , I use both their paid as well as free service for different

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Dhananjay Nene <dhananjay.nene at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Azhagu selvan <azhaguselvan at gmx.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > CodersCombat is not for hosting a *single* person's code somewhere on the
> > web.
> > It's meant to be a online collaboration platform for a team of devs.
> > Rs.600 gives you
> > a project and three user logins. So ours is dead cheap :)
> >
> Clearly CodersCombat is an intriguing name to an online collaboration
> platform for devs.
> First of all I would suggest you do take a look at the name and see if it
> makes sense. At least in my perception - it is a platform where developers
> are likely to compete not collaborate. And you really really don't want to
> have a name which means something different than what the product offers.
> > And remember those paid plans from all the other source code hosting
> > providers are
> > month based. But ours is you pay Rs.600/year.
> >
> For paid plans - it is certainly cheaper than github and bitbucket paid
> plans. But there are many others. Take a look at
> http://www.assembla.com/plans. You don't have to respond to it online -
> but
> make a case at least to yourself why someone would pay you 600 Rs./Month
> instead of free private repositories on Assembla. And really as far as
> getting end users is concerned, the big hurdle is between Rs. 0.00 and Rs.
> 0.01. Once you are beyond that 600 vs. 6000 imo doesn't matter so much.
> Its good you are attempting to do something constructive and personally
> meaningful and enriching. Rather than be critical of the initiative I would
> support your enthusiasm. But really do make a good market study and create
> something that creates a compelling reason for people to use your products.
> I am not sure thats visible yet.
> > >  Maybe they give you a free IPL ticket with that... ? :)
> >
> > May be in next season :D
> >
> Can I get it with a free account ? :D :D
> Dhananjay
> >
> > -- Azhagu Selvan
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