[BangPypers] Help needed on reviewing my presentation for pycon.

Anand Balachandran Pillai abpillai at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 11:12:58 CEST 2010

Hi Shiv,

On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 8:12 PM, Shiv Shankar <fslash8 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Guys,
> The below mentioned is an overview of the contents included in the
> presentation I would like to present in this years pycon. Could you guys
> please look through it and let me know if you will get benefited from such
> a
> presentation. Also your suggestions and thoughts on it.
> Topic: *A peek into Staged Event Driven Architecture - Reasons to use
> Twisted.*
>   - Introduction.
>   - The need for concurrency in networking system, ways to achieve it –
>   thread based concurrency and event based concurrency.
>   - A simple DNS server written in Python.
>      - *Explaining a simple name resolution server written in python, which
>      lets you specify specify arbitrary regexs to match hosts.*
>   - Concurrency of the above DNS server, the thread based approach
>   explained and sneak peak into python's GIL.
>   - Problems with Threads, a graph explaining max server throughput vs
>   threads executing in server explaining where it fails.
>   - Over load management and the c10k problem statement.
>   - Event based concurrency.
>   - A quick slide on non blocking i/o its importance.
>   - Writing a simple DNS server in Python using twisted.
>   - Explaining various stages, how is it different from a thread based
>   system.
>   - Benchmarks.
>   - Does it solve the c10k problem ?
>   - Questions.

Did you submit this ? If not please do - I am looking forward to this

> -- shiv
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