[BangPypers] Python related jobs for me

Govind Menon govind.menon at beacon.in
Wed Feb 20 08:38:15 CET 2013


i am anh consultant. Can you mail me your phone details? We can then have a chat. Or you could call me on +91 94483 79144. 

Regards...Govind Menon
-original message-
Subject: [BangPypers] Python related jobs for me
From: L Radhakrishna Rao <satishsagar83 at gmail.com>
Date: 20/02/2013 12:56 pm

Hi guys and girls,

I am software engineer and also an enthusiastic programmer.

I have learned python on my own, though not knowledgeable as you people
are. I have learned python purely out of my interest.

Now i would like to get involved in some serious python development
activities. Any suggestions?

The problem with HRs is that they will usually treat me as a freshers,
especially in india.

Your advice will definitely change my careers and also, I will get to do
the thing which I love.

Thanks and Regards,

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