[BangPypers] https://github.com/pythonhacker/ladies.py
Vinayak Hegde
vinayakh at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 20:00:55 CEST 2013
On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 11:08 PM, svaksha <svaksha at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Vinayak Hegde <vinayakh at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Also svaksha's mail did not mention what she
> > found objectionable.
> Vinayak, did you miss this email?
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/bangpypers/2013-September/009359.html
> My replies are as inline text as I dislike top-posts and try to avoid
> that as much as possible. Do scroll down to the part wher I have
> provided a github link and also took the trouble of pasting the code
> for your convenience.
Nope. I was talking about the initial mail which lacked context. The
initial mail did not have this excerpt. I posted the excerpt. I should have
read the code completely. I didn't. Guilty as charged. And I fixed it in
the next email.
> > I am not defending Anand here (I hardly know him well) but it might be
> Contrary to your denial, your email admonishing me for raising it on
> this list and calling me a troll (and then trying to educate Anu on
> its definition) does come across as "defending Anand" even if you
> claim not to know him well.
I think we are splitting hairs here. I don't know him and I am not taking
sides and this is not a battle. I support more constructive methods of
approaching these problems in the community. Thats it. YMMV.
> > better to talk to him personally rather than name and shame IMHO. As far
> as
> Err.. Why do you think it is my job (or anyone else's) to email him
> personally? As I mentioned earlier, if you behave poorly in public,
> dont expect private education. #NotMyJob.
You are entitled to your opinion and me to mine. But if people flame
newbies / women / other under-represented groups unfairly (as you believe
Anand did in this case), I believe there are better ways to tackle that
> trolling is concerned, it is a matter of perspective (See the reference at
> > the end of my last mail - I think the mail qualifies as trolling
> especially
> > due to the lack of information and use of words like #EpicFail).
> > I can also
> > say that Anand was also trolling by posting the code.
> Vinayak, you "can", but you didnt. Big difference that.
I don't know what Anand's intentions were (and hence I reserve my opinion
as mentioned in earlier mails), but your response (#epicfail) was pretty
explicit. It would only be fair to hear out Anand as we have heard your
response and not his.
-- Vinayak
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