[BangPypers] https://github.com/pythonhacker/ladies.py

svaksha svaksha at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 22:16:18 CEST 2013

On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 6:56 PM, Anand B Pillai
<anandpillai at letterboxes.org> wrote:
> On Saturday 07 September 2013 10:26 PM, Annapoornima Koppad wrote:
>> More, I had a good mind to email this particular detail to every
>> women mailing list that I am aware of. But then, it would portray
>> all Bangalore men in bad light. Which is not my intention. More
>> over, I am in touch with the PSF board itself, I had a good mind to
>> send your repository link to the PSF board itself.
> Well, no need of it.

He has deleted the github repo, and now I know why.

> Yes I know. I could have sent an email asking about my doubts to
> PyLadies Bangalore but I have this wicked sense of doing things
> the round about way - in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Hence I set up the
> "project" to bring some attention to what I thought were points of
> interest, with some dollops of well meaning humor.

Really? Let me politely call you out on this claim.
1. Your earlier July post referring to the twitter logo as an "egg"
(for the clueless, the egg is an ancient fertility symbol) does not
seem like humor.
2. The class "class AmbiguousMissionError(Exception):" and method (def
get_purpose():    "raise AmbiguousMissionError, "Mission unclear") are
not humor either.
Both smack of sexism because you never bothered to ask Anu, nor
participated in the emails on the pyladies-blr list, where we were
discussing about holding meetups (both hangouts and in-person meets)
and I didnt see any response from you regarding holding a talk or
workshop or sprint.

IIRC, Anu had earlier emailed this list asking for data (re, female
participation in the monthly meetups) and iirc, you told her to
conduct a poll. Is being dismissive yet another attempt at humor?

...and I am beginning to wonder why? If anything Anu is getting a lot
of support from upstream, the PSF approved her grant request, etc..
and you being a PSF member should know better than ascribe it to your
sense of humor because there is nothing funny about the above.

> Sorry if it offended you.

_"if"_? This is the classic "non-apology" apology:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-apology_apology (scroll down to the
"if apology").

svaksha ॥ स्वक्ष

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