[BangPypers] Python packages and modules (was: Favorite tips/techniques)

Saager Mhatre saager.mhatre at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 12:28:06 CEST 2013

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Saju M <sajuptpm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Saager,
> As per python module-import semantics, sub-modules don't end up as names
> in the
> package-module[*] unless explicitly added.
> I didn't get it, what you mean by package-module[*] ?.

Ah, there it is... the sound of your head exploding! :P

Buckle up, this is going to be a fast, but rough ride!

* A module is a dict-like object that binds names to values.
* A package is a namespace that can contain (only) other modules (which
could, in turn, be package-modules themselves).
* A package-module[1] would be a module that also serves as a package.

I guess it'd be easier to explain with with an example.

* Lets stick to json.tool. In this case, json is a module and tool is a
sub-module of the json module.
* They are both modules in that each can contain bindings to names =>
json.dump and tool.main.
* But, json is also a package in that it contains the tool module =>
* The sub-module relationship is mostly evident from the fact that the tool
module is referenced by prefixing 'json.' to it => import json.tool;
* Or providing 'json' as the package to look for the module => from json
import tool

* Any .py file can be loaded as a module.
* Any directory with an __init__.py file can be treated as a package.
* The __init__.py file itself serves as the package-module, i.e., the
module with same name as the package
* Any .py files inside the directory (except __init__.py, of course) can be
loaded as sub-modules of the above package.
* Any sub-directories inside the directory (containing __init__.py, of
course) can be loaded as sub-packages of the above package.
* Turtles all the way...

* The confusion basically stems from the fact that Python chose to conflate
physical storage and namespacing with just enough overlap to be
* They are conflated in that package/module naming and their lookup
(finding the code for a module) is tied to the physical storage hierarchy.
* They are inconsistent that module loading is transitive only upwards in
the hierarchy, i.e., when you load a module, all packages above it in the
hierarchy are automatically loaded.[2]
* However, sub-modules are not loaded even though the physical hierarchy
evidences it.
* The conflation extends further as we look as modules as namespaces,
because sub-modules do not end up as names in package-modules until they
are loaded; see below
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*>>> json*
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'json' is not defined
*>>> import json*
*>>> json*
<module 'json' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/json/__init__.py'>
*>>> json.tool*
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'tool'
*>>> from json import tool*
*>>> json*
<module 'json' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/json/__init__.py'>
*>>> tool*
<module 'json.tool' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/json/tool.py'>
*>>> json.tool*
<module 'json.tool' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/json/tool.py'>
*>>> *

On a closing note, it goes without saying that these packages are not to be
confused with packages as published on package indexes such as

(steps behind transparent blast shield to calmly enjoy the sight of more
exploding heads)
- d

[1] I don't believe it would be entirely in the best interest of either of
our healths to use this term outside of this thread!
[2] IIRC, this was not true for python <2.5 (I think); I recall hitting
some really weird import errors when running newer code on a really old
interpreter when it suddenly couldn't reference the packages that a loaded
module belonged to until they were explicitly loaded.
[3] To those in the know, I would be tremendously obliged if you could tell
me what brand of blow they were using when they came up with this
byzantine, labyrinthine nomenclature and related implementation. I bet it
was, as they say, "like, totally radical dude!"

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