[Baypiggies] ADMIN: Board, meeting organizer, job postings

jim stockford jim at well.com
Sat Dec 2 03:27:22 CET 2006

    i'm with aahz tho a bit more so.
    beware of ambitions: they tend to stir groups
up with lots of tedious meetings and email (like
what this thread may become) and end up with
nothing more done than the talking, or worse:
some elaborate starts then bitter disappointment
when things fall apart.
    if we can just have meetings and an email
list, that's a lot (further ambitions threaten what
we've got). let's keep it (by keeping it simple).
    no officers, no roles, just simple email list
management and getting speakers for meetings.
    there, i've said it three times.

On Dec 1, 2006, at 4:46 PM, Aahz wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 01, 2006, Stephen McInerney wrote:
>> Running BayPIGgies is a large task. We seriously need a board of 
>> officers.
> <shrug>  I won't stand in your way, but I'll note that the job is IMO
> precisely as big as you want it to be.  Things were not broken before,
> and they won't be broken as long as the mailing list is here and 
> someone
> takes charge of making a meeting place available.  The meetings will 
> take
> care of themselves somehow if those two conditions are met.
> I will agree that things work better if there is organization, I just
> caution against gloom-and-doom if there is much less organization than
> has been done recently.
> Side note: I suggest that the February meeting be used for people who
> want to practice a PyCon presentation.
> -- 
> Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         
> http://www.pythoncraft.com/
> Member of the Groucho Marx Fan Club
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