[Baypiggies] ADMIN: Job postings ... and meeting organizer

Ken Seehart ken at seehart.com
Sun Dec 3 00:27:14 CET 2006

I'm fine with skipping it.  I have some preference for doing the Komodo 
presentation when we have enough IDE speakers to make a real IDE/tools 
night, particularly if there is more attendance than we would be expect 
in December.  Anyway, I could definitely use some extra free time this 
month.  If we do meet this month, I'm ready though.

- Ken

Tony Cappellini wrote:
> >>Oh dear.  Because only 1 of the purported speakers has given me a 
> blurb for his talk, and because nagging is too boring for me to do, 
> >>and because December is a hard month to arrange or attend anything, 
> I think it's a good idea to skip it.  In fact, it would help me a lot 
> >>to skip it because there is party that night that I would like to 
> attend.
> >>Does anyone object?
> It's probably the best thing to do a this point, if we can't get more 
> speakers.
> I had posted that we skip December's meeting a while back, but Dennis 
> shot it down.
> In fact, it may even be a good policy to not have future meetings in 
> December, just to avoid compounding already busy schedules.
> My presentation is ready, but holding a meeting with only one short 
> presentation isn't worth it.
>     >>Oh dear.  Because only 1 of the purported speakers has given me
>     a blurb for his talk, and because nagging is too boring for me to
>     do, >>and because December is a hard month to arrange or attend
>     anything, I think it's a good idea to skip it.  In fact, it would
>     help me a lot >>to skip it because there is party that night that
>     I would like to attend.
>     >>Does anyone object?
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