[Baypiggies] At Google: bayPIGgies meeting Thursday June 14: unittest

jim stockford jim at well.com
Sun Jun 10 00:05:25 CEST 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007
Location: Google


..... 7:30 PM ...........................
General hubbub, inventory end-of-meeting announcements, any
first-minute announcements.

..... 7:35 PM to 8:40 PM ................
Topic: Unittest
Speaker: Collin Winter

About the Talk:
Collin reports on his recent work to redesign Python's unittest module.
This is a preview of the presentation he'll be giving at EuroPython 2007
on the same topic: "Python's unittest module sucks. Come find out why
and what's being done to fix it."


About Collin:
Collin is a Python core developer and works at Google with Guido van
Rossum on Mondrian [1]_, Google's code review tool. Most of his Python
work is focused on Python 3000, such as the 2to3 tool [2]_ for
translating Python 2 into Python 3 source.
_[1] - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8502904076440714866
_[2] - http://svn.python.org/view/sandbox/trunk/2to3/

..... 8:40 PM to 9:00 PM ................
Event: Mapping/Random Access

Mapping is a rapid-fire audience announcement of topics the announcer
is interested in.

Random Access follows immediately to allow follow up individually on
  topics of interest.

The July Meeting
The July meeting is Newbies' Night, Part 2, presenting the second half
of Alex Martelli's Python for Programmers talk.

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