[Baypiggies] World Plone Day - November 7, 2008 (need a venue)

Donna Snow donnamsnow at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 05:07:37 CEST 2008


On November 7, 2008 Plone consultants and companies around the world will be
hosting free presentations and training sessions for those interested in
learning more about Plone.

Potential Sessions

Introducing Plone 3 - Donna M Snow - 1 hour
A comprehensive tour through Plone 3 from front-end to back-end. What is
good about the "new Plone" and what could be improved.

Mythbusting: Dispelling the "virtual" rumors about Zope/Plone - Short
presentation and then discussion afterwards - Donna M. Snow - 1 hour
(and validating the ones that are true)

Skinning for Plone - Donna M Snow - a general overview of creating a look &
feel for Plone - 1 hour

The Future of Plone (what's in store?) - Donna M Snow

I figure a half-day of sessions will be good and then I'll be available
afterwards to answer questions (or at least point you to resources).

I really, really need a venue for this event so if anyone can "donate" some
space from about 9am - 1pm on November 7th that'd  be great. I'm not sure
what the turnout will be but I'll need a place with wifi, a white board and
ideally a projector.

I AM planning on starting Plone training sessions in the Bay Area but that
won't start until the first quarter in 2009.

email me offlist if you A) have a venue I can use for this event and/or B)
would like to attend this event (so I can plan for space) .

If we only get a few "interested" we might just meet at a coffee shop

Thank You!

Best Regards,
Donna M. Snow, Principal
C Squared Enterprises
illuminating your path to Open Source
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