[Borgbackup] Backup MySQL in Borg

Jasper Knockaert jasper at knockaert.nl
Wed Dec 12 02:41:09 EST 2018

Borg can use stdin for input. There is no need to store a full uncompressed dump, just redirect it to Borg.


Catscrash <catscrash at catscrash.de> schreef op 12 december 2018 08:28:22 CET:
>I'm looking for some best practices to backup mysql databases.
>I see multiple scenarios and issues with each of them, so far I didn't
>find an ideal way and am looking for your input
> 1. Backing up just the datadir files
>      * Advantages:
>          o Full use of borg deduplication
>          o No additional space needed on source system
>      * Disadvantages:
>          o Restoring gets a lot harder, the data can't be used across
>            different versions of mysql/mariadb, risk of issues when
>            restoring are a lot harder
>          o can't restore single databases / tables
> 2. Backing up uncompressed mysqldump file
>      * Advantages:
>          o Use of borg deduplication, especially for bigger dumps, if
>            only some tables change, deduplication should take care of
>            the rest
>          o easily restorable
>      * Disadvantages
>          o There must be enough space to store the complete dump
>            uncompressed, this can be an issue with databases in the
>            region of 600gb+, it's not possible to keep that much space
>            on all the systems
> 3. Backing up compressed (e.g. gz) mysqldump file
>      * Advantages:
>          o Much less space needed on source system, as mysqldumps are
>            highly compressable
>          o easily restorable
>      * Disadvantages
>          o Deduplication not possible anymore, which makes the backup
>            unusable big after a short time
>How are you solving this?
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