[Borgbackup] BorgBackup Cache Not Regenerating

Richard richjunk at pacbell.net
Sat Aug 21 14:24:34 EDT 2021

I am running BorgBackup (1.1.17) as root on two Linux systems.  Each
system has 64GB ram and is not rebooted often so I have most users
(including root) ~/.cache directory pointed at a tmpfs (ramdisk) file
system which means the cache, including BorgBackup's cache is deleted on

On one system after a reboot, "borg create" runs as expected except it
takes much longer to create an archive as it needs to regenerate the
~/.cache/borg cache.  The next time BorgBackup runs on this system it is
'fast' as normal.

On the 2nd system BorgBackup (again run as root) never seems to generate
a cache in ~/.cache/borg.  I do not see any errors in the BorgBackup
output.  Any idea why?  Is there some setting to tell Borg where to put
it's cache? Is there some verbose mode I should be using to see what the
issue is?

I am new to BorgBackup and if this cache issue is addressed in the
BorgBackup documentation please let me know where.

I am using a script to launch borg based on a sample in the
documentation.  Here is part of my borg create script:

borg create                         \
    --stats                         \
    --show-rc                       \
    --one-file-system               \
    --noatime                       \
    --noctime                       \
    --nobsdflags                    \
    --compression=auto,zstd,10      \
    --chunker-params=12,23,16,4095  \
    --exclude-caches                \
    --exclude '/home/*/.cache'      \
    --exclude '/root/.cache'        \
    --exclude '/var/tmp/*'          \
    --exclude '/tmp'                \
    ::'{hostname}-{now}'            \
    /etc                            \
    /root                           \
    /var/lib                        \
    /boot                           \
    /lib/modules                    \
    /usr/local                      \
    /home                           \
    /var/log                        \
    /data0/                         \
    /data1/                         \


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