[Canberra-PUG] PyCon Australia Early Bird registrations are running out!

Clinton Roy clinton.roy at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 04:58:45 CEST 2015

PyCon Australia's Early Bird registrations are running out - there's fewer

than 30 left of our 100 early bird tickets, so hurry!

Find out more at http://2015.pycon-au.org/register/prices, including
details of accommodation at our conference venue.

Are you planning on coming to PyCon Australia 2015, the national

conference for the Python programming community? If you've been

putting off your registration, now is an excellent time to act:

there's fewer than 30 Early Bird tickets left for the conference, and

these WILL sell out before the end of the week.

Early Bird registration rates are available from $180 for

"Enthusiast"-level tickets, or $460 for our all-inclusive

"Professional"-level tickets; each of these represents a saving of

more than 10% on our regular prices.

Professional tickets include access to our Miniconfs on Science & Data,

OpenStack, Python in Education, or DjangoCon AU; admission to a Miniconf

is available to Enthusiast ticket holders for $50.

For full details of what comes with each of our tickets, and for more

information about the conference itself,

visit http://2015.pycon-au.org/register/prices.
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