[Catalog-sig] Re: [Distutils] More documentation for setup meta-data
M.-A. Lemburg
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 17:22:04 +0100
Richard Jones wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 7:25 pm, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>>Richard Jones wrote:
>>>I'm trying to better document the meta-data for the distutils (and hence
>>>PyPI). I've added words to the section in the dev doc about meta-data,
>>>and would like some feedback before I post the patch to be applied.
>>>Sorry, it's in LaTeX form (until someone writes the ReST->python doc
>>>converter ;)
>>> \lineiii{download_url}{a location where the package may be
>>> \lineiii{classifiers}{a list of Trove classifiers}{list of
>>>strings}{(3)} \end{tableiii}
>>download_url is not a valid Distribution option (even though it
>>is listed in the DistributionMetaData). I wonder why you mention
>>it here.
> It is new in 2.3
Uhm, it doesn't work in Python 2.3... that's why I was asking.
>>The concept of a single URL for downloads seems to simplistic to
>>handle the issues involved with automatic installation. This
>>information should also be provided in a lazy way, so that the
>>package author can easily update the download links, e.g. by
>>placing the information in an XML file on his site and then
>>referencing this file in the distutils meta data.
>>The file should then be parsed by a distutils subcommand to
>>find the right download URL depending on the platform and
>>Python version.
> This system sounds quite useful and flexible. It could also get very
> complicated, very quickly (for a package maintainer). The download_url may
> still be used for this purpose if it specifies a metadata file as the
> download.
> On the other hand, Anthony Baxter has written a distutils command that will
> download a specified package and install it. This was recently posted to
> distutils-sig "first cut at a distutils 'fetch' command". Sure, it's not an
> optimal solution - in the same way that PyPI is going to need tweaking over
> time once it's actually used. It's a start though.
> Note that I would like to see an alternative system that is used to
> disseminate packages which uses a set of mirrors similar to CPAN. There's an
> accepted naming system so that the package may be found just using the
> package name and version, and a fatch command that attempts to download the
> package from one or more of the mirrors (depending on availability). PyPI
> then supplies a list of the mirror sites. Distutils may also offer an upload
> command, to make life even easier for the package maintainer. No need to
> maintain download urls or even download sites. The kicker with this plan is
> the provision of the bandwidth. The other elements of it are ... well,
> trivial. They could be implemented before 2.3 is released.
If you intend to use the download_url for this purpose, then
you ought to reserve it's usage for this now. Otherwise,
people will simply put a link to the download web-site
into this field.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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