[Catalog-sig] PyPI replication project

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Fri Oct 10 17:20:40 CEST 2008

Andreas Jung wrote:
> In phase 1 of the project (upcoming soon) we will provide a number of 
> independent machines (up to five servers) with a full copy of all 
> packages hosted directly on PyPI.
> For phase 2 (next year) we will rework the codebase of z3c.pypimirror 
> and try to deal in some way with packages hosted externally. In addition 
> we think about providing some kind of automatic mirror-selection within 
> setuptools/zc.buildout based on DNS alias entries (subject to be planned).

I don't see why someone doesn't just develop PyPI as a Google App Engine 
app and use Amazon S3 for the storage of the packages.


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