[Catalog-sig] PyPI down again...

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sun Jun 13 01:29:03 CEST 2010

>> Ok, so write code.
> I was looking for guidance as to what to do.
> This common response really pisses me off.  It's unclear exactly what
> code needs to be written.

The one I proposed to write: add mirroring support to setuptools
and distribute.

> PyPI is fucking down all the time you nincompoop.

Never heard that term before...

In any case, I don't think this is factually correct.

> But you can't be fired by the community, so you'll continue to reign
> and noone should offer to help because someone you thought would help
> in the past didn't.

So prove me wrong. Actually do start helping, instead of insulting.


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