[Catalog-sig] PyPI template improvements

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Fri Jun 18 10:33:42 CEST 2010

Simon de Vlieger wrote:
> On 17 jun 2010, at 22:44, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>>> In web app land, "supported browsers" usually means the ones the
>>> designer targets:  e.g., including "IE>= 7" in the list means that the
>>> designer doesn't have to include workarounds for stupid glitches in
>>> earlier IEs (or even test the design against those versions).
>>> For CSS, this means that the site's appearance will be sometimes wonky
>>> when running with an older-than-supported browser version.  Features
>>> which depend on Javascript may not work at all, or only in degraded
>>> mode.
>> I have a really hard time answering that question then: there was no
>> web designer involved in creating PyPI (*). The browser that the
>> *authors* of the service target are really the ones I mentioned: all
>> of them.
>> There is one browser that gets special attention, and flaws relating
>> to it get fixed faster than for any other browser: setuptools.
>> Regards,
>> Martin
>> (*) of course, it uses the layout of python.org, which did have a web
>> designer; for this design, I don't know the answer.
> Martin,
> a question from me. Does setuptools browse the main pypi pages or does
> it use the simple version?

setuptools used to parse the main web pages of PyPI. This was
then changed and the /simple index invented. All recent versions
of setuptools default to using the /simple index.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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