[Catalog-sig] Please turn off ratings

Michael Foord fuzzyman at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 18:52:56 CEST 2011

On 6 April 2011 17:44, P.J. Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> wrote:

> At 02:13 AM 4/6/2011 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
>> No, he countered with a community poll that has, as I remember, 100-200
>> responders. After a contentious discussion.
> A poll which, unfortunately, had numerous choices about what *kind* of
> system to have, such that votes *against* Martin's proposal were widely
> split, and IIRC, the difference between the number of votes cast for
> different alternatives was pretty negligible.
> Looking at the numbers at one point, I concluded that if I had run a poll
> with those results, I would have had to conclude that there was essentially
> zero consensus about what direction should be taken, and either tabled the
> notion or gone back to the list to try to get more specific discussion.
> Unfortunately, the poll was run as a decision-making mechanism, rather than
> an information-gathering one.

Well sure, but it still didn't show that *nobody* wants ratings which is
what people in this thread seem to be claiming.

I'm afraid that those in this thread, and with all respect to Jacob those
who respond to him on twitter, *do* represent a vocal minority primarily of
package authors and are not in any way representative of users of pypi. A
poll may be flawed however it is done, but is a much better mechanism.

Martin *has* offered to do another poll, an offer that has been ignored.

All the best,

Michael Foord

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