[Catalog-sig] Flag to tell pip to only install uploaded files

Donald Stufft donald.stufft at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 00:48:09 CEST 2012

On Thursday, July 5, 2012 at 6:38 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
> Last I knew, uploading a file required licensing it to the PSF. On the 
> other hand, I can find no mention of that on
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=submit_form
> http://wiki.python.org/moin/CheeseShopTutorial
> nor a link to the license anywhere. So I don't know what the current 
> situation is.

IANAL but I think it pretty much it just says the things you upload to the site, the site is allowed to let others download it and you don't get to charge the PSF for it.
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