[Catalog-sig] pypi mirrors in bad shape

ken cochrane kencochrane at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 14:42:48 CET 2013

According to http://www.pypi-mirrors.org the pypi mirrors are in bad shape
right now. We only have one mirror (f.pypi.python.org) that isn't more then
8 hours out of date.

We have one server e.pypi.python.org I can't even connect to anymore, and
I'm not sure if is even online. Anyone know why?

c.pypi.python.org and d.pypi.python.org are both over 1 day old

g.pypi.python.org is over 11 days old

b.pypi.python.org is about 8 hours old at this point, I looked at the logs
on this server and it looks like it is getting stuck trying to download
packages for QSTK. Hopefully it resolves itself.

Restarting download of source/Q/QSTK/QSTK-0.2.1.tar.gz
> Restarting download of source/Q/QSTK/QSTK-0.2.0.tar.gz

Even pypi.crate.io is over 4 hours out of date, and that one is usually
pretty reliable.

I'm guessing there was something that was recently added to pypi, that
broke the mirror replication, and each of these servers needs to be looked
at to make sure they can get back in sync.

If I don't see any improvements in these mirrors by the end of the day,
I'll start emailing the owners individually.

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