[Catalog-sig] Inconsistency on f.pypi.python.org with Products.PluggableAuthService

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Tue Mar 12 17:04:52 CET 2013

Op 05-03-13 16:34, Christian Theune schreef:
> Hi,
> it seems my fight to keep f.pypi.python.org is at least keeping the
> pypi-mirrors.org page happy.
> Unfortunately one ouf our users detected another inconsistency that the
> mirror script doesn't find or clean up by itself. I also don't know how
> to get this back in line.
> If you compare those pages:
> http://f.pypi.python.org/packages/source/P/Products.PluggableAuthService/
> http://f.pypi.python.org/simple/Products.PluggableAuthService
> http://pypi.python.org/simple/Products.PluggableAuthService
> <http://f.pypi.python.org/simple/Products.PluggableAuthService>
> There's definitely something wrong.
> Suggestions?

I meant to look at this earlier, as I noticed it too.  Apparently it has 
not solved itself.  The latest release is 1.10.0, which was uploaded on 
19 February, which is the day that PyPI switched to https.  My guess is 
that some mirrors did an update at a point in time when PyPI had 
problems because of this switch and that those mirrors somehow got 
affected by this.

Let's look at the state of the various mirros=rs.

http://a.pypi.python.org is perfect.

http://b.pypi.python.org says "Package Products.PluggableAuthService 
does not exist", which should not be true, as this package has existed 
for years.  Also, http://b.pypi.python.org/packages/source/P/ does list 
Products.PluggableAuthService, but that page has an empty html body.

http://c.pypi.python.org/simple/Products.PluggableAuthService says: "The 
requested URL /simple/Products.PluggableAuthService/ was not found on 
this server." 
http://c.pypi.python.org/packages/source/P/Products.PluggableAuthService/ does 
exist and lists all except the last release.

d.pypi.python.org is unavailable.

e.pypi.python.org is perfect.

f.pypi.python.org: same as c.

g.pypi.python.org works, but has not been updated in over a month so it 
misses the latest release.  I guess this one would work if it got 
updated again.

pypi.crate.io is fine.

So b, c and f have a problem.  http://www.pypi-mirrors.org lists these 
respectively as old, aging and fresh.

If anyone knows what could be done to solve this, that would be good.

Maurits van Rees: http://maurits.vanrees.org/
Zest Software: http://zestsoftware.nl

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