[CentralOH] Python at Ohio LinuxFest

David Car david.car7 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 04:34:06 CEST 2007


Great job.  All the best and I'm sure you'll be awesome.  I'll try to make
it out to OLF this year.


On 9/3/07, Catherine Devlin <catherine.devlin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good news, everybody!  I got a talk onto the Ohio LinuxFest schedule:
> "Introduction to Python and/or Solar System Demolition"
> http://www.ohiolinux.org/speakers.html#talk3_05
> I note smugly that it's the only language-specific talk in the lineup.
> Hopefully there will be hundreds of eager new Pythonistas by the end.  You
> can bet I'll plug centralOH at python.org heavily.
> (gaaaaaak, I'm nervous!)
> OLF will be a great opportunity to get together with each other, with
> Python users who don't know about us, and with people who don't use Python
> but should.  What should we do with it?  Brainstorm!
> Oh, and in case you weren't planning to, do sign up for Ohio LinuxFest.
> It's free as in freedom -and- beer.  New job?  Sister's wedding?
> Incarcerated?  In labor?  Poor excuses.  Come anyway.
> http://www.ohiolinux.org/
> See you there...
> --
> - Catherine
> http://catherinedevlin.blogspot.com/
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