[CentralOH] PyOhio: Proposal deadline in 5 days

Eric Floehr eric at intellovations.com
Wed May 5 14:27:23 CEST 2010

Heh...more info, including the proposal template here:



On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 8:26 AM, Eric Floehr <eric at intellovations.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I just wanted to remind you that the deadline for submitting proposals
> for PyOhio is coming up in 5 days.  If you are thinking of submitting
> a talk, tutorial, or panel proposal, please get going on it!
> There are many benefits to talking, doing a tutorial, or moderating a
> panel discussion:
> 1. It's a great chance to practice public speaking in front of a
> receptive audience.
> 2. It's an awesome addition to your resume.
> 3. Doing it forces you to learn your topic more than you would
> otherwise...it's a great motivator.
> 4. You will gain the respect and admiration of your peers.
> But in addition to the benefits you will accrue from doing this, you
> will also be greatly benefiting others by sharing your knowledge and
> helping others grow as Python developers.
> So please don't delay...submit your proposal TODAY!
> Best Regards,
> Eric

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