[CentralOH] What next?

Brian Costlow brian.costlow at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 20:54:12 CEST 2011

I don't think we finalized any decisions.

Last meeting seemed more like a brainstorm session to me than a planning
session. Plus a lot of people's brainpower was partly focused on PyOhio.

I think now that folks have had time to mull over suggestions from last
time, and we've put PyOhio behind us (for this year) we maybe do need one
more planning-type session, which I am okay with, as long as we end up with
an actual plan and some action items. It's easier to do with everybody in
the room than over the mailing list.

I don't think that needs to be the whole meeting though, should take

We need to set a schedule/place for the 'dojo' type meetings, somebody
volunteer to coordinate the website, and try to pick some topics for the
next few regular meetings.

If someone wants to fill the rest of the time with a demo/talk/lead a hack
session etc., great.

That's my two cents.

On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 2:31 PM, Eric Wilson <wilson.eric.n at gmail.com> wrote:

> PyOhio was great, but I'm a little unclear on what is next. Our meeting on
> the Monday a week before the conference was great for ideas, but didn't
> leave me with a clear sense of what will happen next.
> I am looking forward to the next COhPy meeting, and am planning on being
> much more regular in my attendance.
> My questions are:
>    1. Did we make final decisions on time/location of meetings, number of
>    meetings/month, etc?
>    2. Did we establish the agendas for the meetings, or is it still up in
>    the air?
> My best understanding was that there was general support of having
> lightning talks + hacking, perhaps on a website for COhPy, maybe using
> Flask, but there were a variety of interests represented.
> My concerns are:
>    1. That those of us not named Eric Floehr would wait for Eric to tell
>    us what we are doing.
>    2. That our next meeting could end up being another planning meeting if
>    we don't arrive with a plan.
> Thoughts?
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