[CentralOH] Columbus Python Workshop, Jan 18-19

Catherine Devlin catherine.devlin at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 02:01:46 CET 2012

Hi, COhPy!

Everything is clear for the Columbus Python Workshop in January!
 LeadingEdje has stepped up to feed our participants, and Pillar is
providing the locale.


There's only one thing that we need from COhPy: publicity!  Find our
participants-to-be and bring them in!  I'm way out here in Dayton and can't
publicize in Columbus very well.  For that, I really need you, and it's
crucial to the workshop's success.

I've attached a flyer for the workshop.  Please print it and distribute it

- invite your friends, spouses, coworkers, neighbors, daughters, nieces,
daughters' friends, daughters' nieces, daughters' nieces' friends, etc.
- post the flyer in libraries!
- and other places with bulletin boards (Panera, bookstores, college
- airdrop from 40,000 feet over downtown


I would like to spread the word through various organizations - both geeky
and not.  For geeky organizations, these come to mind:
TechLife Ohio
OSU Open Source Club
... but what else?

But part of the point of the workshop is to go beyond geekdom's traditional
reach, so if I could get suggestions and/or contact information for  other
groups, that would be awesome!  Girl Scout troops come to mind,
homeschooler organizations, YWCA... I'd really like more ideas here.

In case you've forgotten all about the Workshop, here's your reminder:


The Columbus Python Workshop for women and their friends is a free hands-on
introduction to computer programming that's fun, accessible, and practical
even to those who've never programmed at all before.  We empower women of
all ages and backgrounds to learn programming in a beginner-friendly

Thanks to our sponsor, LeadingEdje, food will be provided for participants!
 The workshop will be held in Pillar's brand-new office in Columbus' Short

The workshop is the latest in a series based on the famous Boston Python
Workshop; they've already introduced hundreds of beginners to programming
in Boston, Indianapolis, Portland, Chicago, and Kansas City.  Now it's
Ohio's turn, so spread the word!

Get more details and sign up now:

Thanks to our sponsor, LeadingEdje: leadingedje.com
and our venue provider, Pillar: pillartechnology.com

and thanks to YOU,
- Catherine
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