[CentralOH] Looking for Introductory Python Materials

Peter Carswell pcarswell.1 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 16:58:26 CET 2013


Here is a book that I use in my Game Developer Track at Columbus State CC.
It focuses on programming games which is a good place to start. And it
covers the basics of Python, including object oriented programming. Don't
let the name fool you ... it does go through some complex programming
designs. Good luck.

Dawson, Michael, Python Programming for the absolute beginner, Third Edition


On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Jared Brock <jaredbrock at sbcglobal.net>wrote:

> Greeting Pythonistas. I am a student with a neglegible amount of
> programming experience who was referred to both Python and this group as a
> way to learn the language. I am looking for suggestings on books, websites,
> or other materials that can serve as a good starting place. The one online
> tutorial I found (http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/index.html) did have
> examples of basic concepts but lacked any suggested problems to solve to
> reinforce those concepts.
> And in case someone asks, I am not currently able to make it to the Friday
> DoJo's for the time being.
> Thanks for reading, and double thanks for replies.
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