[CentralOH] Special Event at DoJo this Thursday

Travis Risner deeppunster at protonmail.com
Mon Sep 23 00:13:37 EDT 2019

Hi everyone,

Next Thursday (Sept. 26) there will be an informal demo of creating a working python program using PyCharm, git, GitHub and friends. The demo will include how to create a repository on GitHub, how to update it, how to bring changes down from it, and how to resolve conflicts between the local and public repositories.

The demo will start about 7:30. Although the DoJo itself starts at 6:00, come when you can.

Where? Smokehouse Brewing at 1130 Dublin Rd. (just west of Grandview Ave.). Join us in the back.

BTW, if you haven’t been to one of the DoJo sessions in a while, here is some good news for you.


Smokehouse Brewing has added a modern wireless router with 5 gHz and 2.4 gHz bands. On rare occasions, it loses its connection to the internet, but connecting to the wireless signal is no longer a problem.


They have added a new monitor on a rolling stand that is 60” diagonal or so. We will be using it for the demo.

Note - there will be no DoJo on the following Thursday (Oct. 3). Smokehouse Brewing has an annual oyster event that fills every seat in the house on that day.

Travis Risner
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