[Chennaipy] Why we stopped recording talks?

Gaurav Sehrawat igauravsehrawat at gmail.com
Sun Mar 12 11:48:36 EDT 2017

I am presenting a cross platform solution all you need is Chrome browser. I
made a video[0] to demonstrate this on three platform.

> A screen recorder + a mobile based voice recorder will be more than enough
> -- you're right on that. However, logistics is the bigger issue:
> As you can see in the video I am using a bluetooth headset(bought for this
specific purpose) to record sound at same time, so no need to merge video
and audio later.

> - How do we communicate it to *all* the speakers before hand and expect
> their co-operation with it?

We can communicate to speakers to have Chrome and Nimbus screen recorder
extension. This is very much doable.

> - How do we collate the footage from the speakers?
As shown in Ubuntu part of video, inbuilt "SimpleHTTPServer" in python2 or
"http.server" in python3 can serve this purpose.

> It feels like we need a dedicated team to be able to take care of this in
> a bullish fashion?
I can do this for next 5 meetups, it's easy than taking meetup minutes.

[0]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYTMMR9mKWg

Hoping to implement this RFC(Request for comments) feature.

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