[Chicago] [Fwd: Any ChiPy plans for PyCon 2008?]

Ted Pollari tcp at uchicago.edu
Wed Dec 6 03:40:26 CET 2006

On Dec 5, 2006, at 8:21 PM, DiPierro, Massimo wrote:

> As far as I know DePaul's largest room can only accommodate about  
> 120 people. According to the specs below, this means we cannot bid  
> for PyCon 2008. I will still provide help and perhaps we can  
> sponsor some events but you will have to find a place with 3 large  
> rooms (I guess 600 + 200 + 200).
> Massimo

Alright, so this complicates the idea for a Chicago bid.  Ideas for  
alternative locations?


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