[Chicago] Chicago Python User Group: Thurs. July 13, 2006 7pm.

Chris McAvoy chris.mcavoy at gmail.com
Thu Jul 13 00:35:44 CEST 2006

Eeep.  Now my presentation is going to be all anticipated.  This is
seriously going to be a let down to anyone that's like "what can we
take from Perl 6?"

Seriously, I don't know a damn thing about Perl 6 as a language.  I'm
trying to learn it.  My presentation is more about entry points to
learning it, as it's a wildly moving target right now.  It's also a
wildly different model (to my knowledge) of how a language is build.
It's pretty interesting stuff.  On the one hand, I never want this
particular method used to push Python forward.

So...yeah...this presentation is not going to live up to the hype.


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