[Chicago] PyLEA

Ray Hernandez ray at nd.edu
Thu Mar 23 22:07:18 CET 2006

On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 03:03:06PM -0600, Chris McAvoy wrote:
> I sense sarcasm.  However, I just bought a roomba...purely because
> they include a port that makes it super easy to override their
> roomba-brain.  The example code included in the documentation? 
> Python!  Hurrah!

Actually my sarcasm was targetted more so towards "Web 2.0." I did however
purchase a Roomba myself last week. I am interested in hacksing it, but I
lack the skill to make a cable for the Roomba. :-(
Ray Hernandez
Systems Administrator
Messaging Services
Office of Information Technology
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