[Chicago] Chicago job opportunity: Python + Web + Geodata + Public good

Adrian Holovaty adrian at holovaty.com
Sat Jun 9 20:42:09 CEST 2007

Hello all,

About two years ago, I presented a side project of mine,
chicagocrime.org, at a Chipy meeting. Now, I'm looking to expand that
site into a new startup, called EveryBlock.

Essentially, it'll be chicagocrime.org on steroids.

I'm putting together a crack team of Web developers here in Chicago to
accomplish this, and I'm currently looking for at least one more
person to join the team. We're using Python, Django and open source,
so I hope it's OK to advertise the position here.

Here are the *essentials* (i.e., please don't apply if you don't fit
these qualifications) --

* Significant experience building Web sites (regardless of platform)
* Residency in the Chicago metro area (i.e., no telecommuters)
* Python experience
* Experience manipulating geographic data
* High familiarity with Unix
* A mastery of regular expressions
* A mastery of screen scraping and dealing with data in general
* Strong competency in JavaScript
* Interest in public service // journalism // the common good // not being evil

Here are the *nice to haves* (i.e., if you fit many of these
qualifications, you're a *great* candidate) --

* Experience scaling high-traffic Web sites
* Experience in a lower-level, non-Python language such as C
* Experience with natural-language processing
* Experience using the Django Web framework
* Experience at a small Web startup
* A good design sensibility

This is a full time gig, located in the beautiful city of Chicago.

If you think you'd be a good fit, please get in touch with me by
e-mailing a resume to [my first name] at everyblock.com. Thanks for


Adrian Holovaty
holovaty.com | djangoproject.com | chicagocrime.org | everyblock.com

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