[Chicago] MacBook Pro

Ted Pollari tcp at mac.com
Tue Nov 13 18:22:55 CET 2007

On Nov 13, 2007, at 10:36 AM, swg wrote:

>  This usually leads to the person
> realizing gcc isn't installed and then we spend a good portion of time
> trying to track down the OS X CD that came with the machine, etc etc.

You'd be much better off just pulling a copy of the developer tools  
off Apple's developer website in this case -- plus, it'd be up to  
date vs. the old/stale version of the dev. tools from the OS  
install.   It's a big download, but if you're wasting a lot of time  
finding the OS install, this option may well be more efficient.

> Also, the ActiveState thing where they couldn't (or still can't)  
> use the
> gnu readline for the Python terminal always sucked up an hour or  
> two of
> the day to get working.

If you're looking to use one of the more recent versions of Python,  
simply pulling the OS X .dmg based installer from python.org will  
give you readline support, if I'm not mistaken...

> After this, and several more cases of trying to
> track down C libraries, I just stopped doing Python stuff on OS X ( I
> usually use Linux anyways, if I used OS X for more than testing  
> Safari,
> I probably would have put more time into it )

Hmm -- I must say, that all just sounds like the experience I had 3  
years ago working with Python on OS X, but not my recent experiences.


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