[Chicago] understanding unicode problems

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Fri Nov 16 18:30:54 CET 2007

Another issue just popped up: Font support.  I asked Paul, we volleyed some 
emails, and he just asked the Report-lab list:

=== begin ==
I'm looking for a set of fonts that I can distribute with Dabo's report writer 
(which wraps reportlab). I like FreeSans, FreeSerif, and FreeMono, but 
unfortunately those are GPL and so not compatible with Dabo's license.

The requirements would be:

+ free, non-viral license
+ truetype
+ good amount of glyphs
+ a sans-serif, a serif, and a monotype font, with italics, bold, and bold-italic

Any suggestions? I'd like there to be a basic set of fonts that we can guarantee 
will be available on all platforms and in all installations of Dabo, regardless 
of what fonts a particular user/operating system already has installed.
== end ==

I was thinking the unicode support was now only an issue in older, un-maintained 
code/documents that are lingering on.  apparently modern OS distributions too?

Carl K

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