[Chicago] Announcing new programming group

John Quigley jquigley at jquigley.com
Wed Oct 3 19:00:18 CEST 2007

I'd like to announce the formation of a new group for Chicago-based programmers called Tekniks.  The focus of the group will be on collaborative and social programming, so we'll be having weekly 'development sprints' at a local coffee shop.  We'll keep it very unstructured, so bring whatever projects or ideas you may have, and feel free to work singly or in a group.

The next sprint will take place right downtown this coming Friday at 7p at Cyberia Cafe:


These sprints are running in conjunction with the Programming Tonight group, an offshoot of Chicago Linux that has been really quite successful, with a rotating cast of about 25 programmers hanging out to code and chat.

The Tekniks homepage is located at (excuse me for the minimal content):


I hope that this will be of interest to some of you.  Please subscribe to our mailing list (linked off our homepage) if you'd like to keep in the loop.  Thanks so much!

John Quigley

home: www.jquigley.com
mail: jquigley at jquigley.com

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