[Chicago] web2py 1.20 is out

Daniel Griffin dgriff1 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 05:04:21 CET 2008

Sorry if I incorrectly grouped django in there. I have heard it compared to
Rails many many times, it does kinda push you down one path which is very
easy if you are designing from scratch and pretty hard if you have to work
with an existing dataset. What stops me in my tracks is the lack or support
for composite primary keys.


On Feb 4, 2008 9:57 PM, Tom Tobin <korpios at korpios.com> wrote:

> On 2/4/08, Daniel Griffin <dgriff1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am also confused. There seems to be 2 types of framework, the
> opinionated
> > holier than thou kind(Ruby on Rails, Django) and the super flexible,
> > everything to everybody kind like Pylons.
> Woah — I really don't get the "holier than thou" appellation as
> applied to Django (and neither does the rest of the Django community,
> from what I've seen).  Djangonauts have pointed out time and again
> that Django doesn't stop you from using other components — and people
> *do* use other components.  Thing is, Python is such a fantastic
> language that it's easier to roll your own component to do exactly
> what you want than try to "shove" another component into a slot it
> doesn't quite fit.  Nothing quite fit when Django was developed (this
> being before its public release, since it was borne of a newspaper's
> internal dev team), and the resulting components fit together like a
> tailored suit.
> In short: Django's components fit *Django* best, and plenty of the
> userbase as well; if you only want that pair of trousers, or that
> shirt, well, go ahead and mix it up — but don't blame us for wearing
> the tailored outfit, and we won't say anything about the Hawaiian
> shirt.  ;-)
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