[Chicago] wiki page For those looking for Python work in Chicago

Dan Krol orblivion at gmail.com
Fri Oct 24 16:00:21 CEST 2008

Phil, I had the same problem because I had Noscript running on
Firefox. I allowed the site to run Javascript and it worked. I don't
know why IE wouldn't work though, maybe you have a JS blocker there as

I personally think a security question without a popup would be a
little more user-friendly, but it's not a big deal.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Brian Ray <bray at sent.com> wrote:
> On Oct 23, 2008, at 7:54 PM, Phil Robare wrote:
>> Great idea Brian.  But I'm having some problems trying to get it to
>> happen.
>> What am I doing wrong.  I tried to put in my info several times.
>> Refresh works fine but time when I try to save I get a message
>> "Incorrect answer to security question."  I don't see a security
>> question.  Tried this in IE from Windoze and Firefox from Linux and
>> got the same result. The consistency is good I suppose, but I am still
>> frustrated.
>> Where's the security question?
> hmm, it should pop up in a alert dialog after you submit your change. I just
> tested it and it did for me.
> I do think there might be a bug somewhere with it, but I have not ran into
> that bug enough to pin it down.
> I am still would be open to having someone help be update to more recent
> version of moinmoin. It now has its own spam prevention.
> Phil, of course you can just email me the change off the list and I can post
> it also.
> Regards,
> Brian Ray
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