[Chicago] Drupal equivalent?

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Thu Oct 30 12:03:47 CET 2008

A friend of mine is going to be running for alderman here in Evanston and
asked me about content management software for websites.  He mentioned
Drupal which I know nothing about.  Feature-wise I presume he's going to
want some fairly basic features: easy blog capability, user feedback,
top-level control of page appearance and templating, RSS feed generation,
basic database capability, probably role-based permissions.

In the Python world I'm vaguely familiar with Plone and Zope (the former
built on the latter, right?), but nothing else.  I know plenty of folks like
Django.  Is there a content management system built on top of it?  On the
CMS page of the Python wiki:


I see a handful, none of which I recognize other than Zope, Plone and
PyLucid.  I'm not keen on Zope simply because of its heft and seems like it
woild be massive overkill here.  That would seem to doom Plone as well.  (Is
it any easier to install/use?)  PyLucid seems to have some of the features I
mentioned about.  I see someone (Massimo?) has built a CMS atop web2py
called KPAX.

So what to people use/recommend for CMS on smallish websites?



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