[Chicago] Aug meet

Brian Curtin brian.curtin at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 19:11:37 CEST 2010

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:28, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:

> Who is going to be doing the planning for this? I don't want to have
> multiple people bombarding them all at once about the same thing.
> ...and I sent a message over to Carl to see what he normally does for
> this stuff. I have no idea if   we just show up once we have the
> booking, or if he has to do some ACK stuff with them the day before.
> I'm assuming we have to get names to deal with security? Not sure.

No one besides the organizer should actually need the contact info. Everyone
else just has to know it's at Wacker/Adams (the specific address) on
x-floor, and the datetime.datetime(...).

I believe Brian Ray said he was up for organizing. If that changes, I'm also
named Brian and I'll do it. A third Brian, however, turned it down.
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