[Chicago] Chicago Digest, Vol 57, Issue 8

John Jacobsen john at mail.npxdesigns.com
Tue May 11 00:42:51 CEST 2010

> Carl suggest off the list that I should give my talk to a Django  
> specific
> user group instead of Chipy only after sending this announcement. I  
> kinda
> thought people might be interested in customizing the admin. Several  
> said
> they would like that talk. What gives Carl? It is more python than  
> it sounds
> like because it does use a lot of inheritance and callback handlers.
> I am not really interested in starting/joining a Django specific  
> club. I
> just wanted to show what I have been working on really.

+1.  The local django group seems pretty idle.


John Jacobsen http://npxdesigns.com/contact

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