[Chicago] Several items that may be of interest to group members

Jonathan Tonkin tonkinjs at yahoo.com
Tue May 11 11:43:37 CEST 2010


While this may not be directly related to group topics, here are several items that may be of interest to group members.

1.) (shortest first) The Chicago Chapter of the ACM is now on Facebook and Twitter.  Join our Facebook Group (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=59120137059) or follow us on Twitter (username:  chicagoacm).

2.)  Next ACM Meeting: May 12, 2010 

A joint meeting with the Loyola University Computer Science Department

Speaker: Conrad Weisert

"What Ever Happened to Software Quality?"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 6:30 pm
5:30 pm -6:30 pm (Social Hour)

Loyola University Water Tower Campus (Chicago/Michigan Area)
25 East Pearson Street, Chicago IL 60611
Corboy Law Center, Room 211 (CLC 0211)

Campus map: http://www.luc.edu/about/pdfs/wtc_may09.pdf 

Admission: Free (General Admission, No Reserved Seats)

To make a reservation, use this form:
or send an e-mail to greg at neumarke.net. 

About the Topic:

Conrad Weisert will explore two aspects of software quality in depth, illustrating them with good and bad examples.  He will conclude by examining some causes of these shortcomings and recommending practical ways of minimizing their impact.

About the Speaker: 

Conrad Weisert is a consultant and educator specializing in software development methodology and project management. He is president of Information Disciplines, Inc., a Chicago-based consulting company. He holds an MS degree from DePaul University in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence concentration). 

More details at: http://www.chicagoacm.org/


Jonathan Tonkin 

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