[Chicago] Kickoff event: Chicago chapter of Hacks/Hackers

Rich Gordon richgor at northwestern.edu
Tue Sep 7 18:46:55 CEST 2010

ChiPy folks:


You're invited to the kickoff for the Chicago chapter of Hacks/Hackers
(http://www.hackshackers.com), a young but thriving organization that brings
together journalists and programmer/developers interested in coding at the
intersection of media, journalism and the public interest.  RSVP for the
kickoff event at http://meetupchicago.hackshackers.com/calendar/14512445/


In addition to refreshments and conversation:

.        Chicago Tribune News Applications Editor Brian Boyer will talk
about the first year of the Tribune's news applications team (they work
heavily in Python, more info here: http://blog.apps.chicagotribune.com/) 

.        The Media Consortium's Tracy Van Slyke will give a special sneak
preview of its upcoming (Oct. 9-10) Independent Media Mobile Hack-A-Thon


Learn more about Hacks/Hackers at http://hackshackers.com/about/.  Since our
organization's founding last year, we have launched chapters in the San
Francisco Bay Area, New York, Boston, LA, London - and now Chicago.  We've
held a series of educational and "hackathon"-style events and launched a Q&A
site (http://help.hackshackers.com) for people doing work where journalism
and programming meet.  We're also collaborating with the Mozilla Foundation
to create an online class about journalism and technology
(http://p2pu.org/general/open-journalism-open-web) entitled "Open Journalism
and the Open Web."


Questions? Let me know .



Rich Gordon

Professor and Director of Digital Innovation

Medill School, Northwestern University

1870 Campus Drive

Evanston, IL 60208



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