[Chicago] German video help

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Mon Oct 17 01:28:32 CEST 2011

woa... here comes lots of text...  don't let it overwhelm you, it will
probably take longer to read this than actually do it.


Look at the video above the "Save" button.

Make sure it is there.  I have had some problems with file names such
that the .ogv file isn't named what the rest of the system expects,
and so basically gets lost.  I clicked though the 13 that are
currently up for review, all are there, so good.

The title should be something like:
"PyHasse", eine Toolbox für Ranking-Probleme
Check for errors that might be caused by unicode chars getting mis-encoded.
(I just checked this one, and it matches the presenter's opening
slide, so it is good.  Not all are that easy.)

Hit the "Play" button (over over the video, it will appear in the
lower left corner)

Make sure something plays.  (will work in firefox 3+, some others, not IE.)

Make sure it starts with a title screen, and then there is a talk with
both audio and video.
If inkscape failed, it will start with a big black/whte INVALID and
fade into the talk.  if the title is ok but the video of the talk got
lost it will fade into INVALID.   audio should exist: you hear people
talking at a reasonable level.   If you have headphones, make sure
there is audio in both left and right channels  (I get a mono feed
from the sound system, but the system kinda imposes 2 channel audio,
and it doesn't always get setup right resulting in almost complete

Check that it starts at a reasonable start.  If it is obvious that
something got cut off, or that there is an annoying amount of cruft
before the talk actually starts,  it should be fixed.

Make sure what is being talked about sounds like the title of the talk
and not some other talk.   If the presenter is identified, make sure
that matches the name.  3 of the talks got replaced, there is a chance
that some of them still have the original talk title/presenter name.
And there is the chance some presenter starts with "I was going to
talk about foo, but I changed my mind, so I am going to talk about

Skip to the end, make sure it is the end of the same talk and that it
doesn't cut off in the middle of a sentence.

If there is a problem, put a note in the comments field, change the
state to Broked.  otherwise change the state to "Post".   Hit Save, go
back to the list and do the next one.   (make sure you are logged in,
otherwise you can enter but your data gets discarded, not very user

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 1:44 AM, Noel Taylor <noeltaylo at gmail.com> wrote:
> I speak German, but don't understand what I'm looking at when I follow the
> link.
> Are you looking for confirmation for all of these talks?  Also, clicking on
> any of these links take me to a screen with lots of other links and a form
> that seems to be related to a video, but if there's an actual video in there
> somewhere, it's not clear to me where it is or how to watch it.
> If you can help clarify, I can answer the German questions for you.
> Noel Taylor
> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 1:13 AM, Carl Karsten <carl at personnelware.com>
> wrote:
>> I need some help reviewing from someone who understands German, unlike
>> me.  Make sure that the title screen is the title of the talk that the
>> video is,  the unicode chars got rendered correctly, then skip to the
>> end and make sure that looks like the actual end.   generally takes me
>> about a minute.   The list is here:
>> http://veyepar.nextdayvideo.com:8080/main/C/pyconde/S/pyconde2011/s/3/
>> If you are interested, you can review and email me what you find.  Or
>> if you are going to do it later let me know and I'll give you a login
>> so you can flip the state from 'review' to 'post'  which will help
>> keep someone else from reviewing the same one.
>> --
>> Carl K
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Carl K

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