[Chicago] ChiPy PyCon and ChiPy Loop... Help!

Brian Curtin brian at python.org
Thu Feb 23 21:56:21 CET 2012

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 14:48, J. D. Jordan <zanson at zanson.org> wrote:
> PyCon OpenSpace, how about @7:00 on Friday?  Talks end @6:00 gives
> people an hour to grab food, go back to their room, what ever.

I know Friday has the Testing In Python BOF (where I'll be) and at the
same time is at least one sponsor party.

I wouldn't try to avoid conflict too much because it's guaranteed to
happen when you have 1800 people and events to plan for all of them.
For me, a ChiPy meetup at PyCon isn't entirely high on my list since I
see you guys 10-11 times a year versus people I work with and don't
even see yearly, but I would come if the time didn't conflict with any
other meetups that I need to prioritize.

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