[Chicago] jan video

Steve Schwarz steve at agilitynerd.com
Mon Jan 9 19:51:00 CET 2012

As an off site viewer who can never attend a downtown meeting I greatly
appreciate the presentations and the videos. They are of high quality and
well done.

As far as $ value. I would put setting the amount in the hands of our
benevolent leader Brian. Otherwise we should rely on the kindness of
strangers, non-(semi) professional video recording would be fine with me.
Someone offered to record with a consumer video cam and a tripod I would
hope that would be sufficient and I would also hope Carl would offer his
services to process/host the video afterward. I greatly appreciate his work
in shooting the video and getting the videos edited and hosted (and thanks
also to anyone else who is involved).

The dilemma is if we start paying videographers, why not pay presenters?
organizers?... all require substantial preparation and effort and have
typically been offered in the spirit of sharing with the local Python
community. We are fortunate that the same people step up every month and
their efforts are likely being taken for granted.

I hope whoever organizes the events, presents, video tapes and does the
followup work would accept my heartfelt thanks.

If donations were available online and/or at meetings that money could be
presented/divided/etc to whomever helped that meeting.

Best Regards,
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