[Chicago] Python-heavy job opening

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Wed Nov 28 00:34:44 CET 2012

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Brian Curtin <brian at python.org> wrote:
>> Why don't more of you show up at ps:one for python office hours?
>> Sometimes I see people ask questions on the mailing list, but they
>> don't show up to the office hours. When I started going to the office
>> hours, I expected more people to be there due to all the questions on
>> the mailing list. Is it because you didn't know about them? because of
>> the location? the time?
> I don't know anything about them. Well, I could guess what they are
> based on the name and what you've said of the event, but I've never
> had a proper introduction to PSOne or the office hours setup.

Good point - we need a PS1 Python Office Hours P R Person.
PPOHPRP Ack-Pffft.

It is a bunch of us with laptops all doing Python stuff.  Pretty much
we all do our own thing, but it is completely appropriate and almost
encouraged to interrupt everyone when you have a problem.   We
sacrifice work to maximize helping.  and it is fun.

Carl K

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