[Chicago] Introduce Yourself

Kevin Dean kevdean at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 15:48:14 CEST 2012

Hi, I'm Kevin Dean.

I joined the Chipy mailing list in the last few weeks and haven't been to a
meeting yet. I've been a software developer at McMaster-Carr Supply Co. for
the last 7 years now, writing internal business systems and now improving
our site's search engine. During that time I've had the pleasure of working
primarily in COBOL and VB.NET...

At the end of the year I intend on leaving my job and taking ~12 months to
pursue my interests. I got interested in the idea of learning Python
because I am considering trying to get an e-commerce start-up off the
ground, and a friend recommended Python/Django for the server side of
things. But in addition to that interest, I'm curious to explore artistic
pursuits, including the melding of music and visualization (most likely
with Processing), 3D printing (got a FORM 1 on Kickstarter!), and furniture
making. It sounds like more than a few of you go to Pumping Station: One --
I'm about to start going, so I'm sure our paths will cross sooner rather
than later.


On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 11:59 PM, David Nides <david.nides at gmail.com> wrote:

> My name is David Nides. Haven't ever been to a meeting but hope to soon! I
> do digital forensics and incident response...  essentially technology
> related investigations. I find knowing Python very helpful for many tasks
> including parsing, scripting and building new tools.. Specifically I have
> been working on digital forensic timeline analysis tool for about a year
> now (in my spare time) called l2t_Review that is Python, WX, and Sqlite.
> You can check out my progress on my blog: http://davnads.blogspot.com/
> On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 10:13 PM, Daniel Peters <danieltpeters at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi all, my name is Daniel Peters.  I use Python for as much as possible,
>> usually web development and a tiny bit of math.   I've been on the list for
>> three years this month! I've gone to a fair amount of meetings and one big
>> conference.  I can say without reservation that I'm a *much* better
>> programmer for having discovered this little digital corner and the many
>> people who hang out here.  I'm often somewhat more interested in free
>> software as a social phenomena then as a direct activity, the idea (and the
>> reality) of culturally defined computation being kind of mind blowing to me
>> (still).
>> On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 9:59 PM, David Dumas <daviddumas at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> My name is David.  I'm an associate professor in the math department
>>> at UIC.  My research concerns hyperbolic manifolds and complex
>>> analysis, and I use python programs for various tasks related to this
>>> work including numerical experiments (aided by scipy/numpy/etc), glue
>>> code and automation for programs written in other languages (e.g. with
>>> pexpect), and for lots of general system administration tasks.  I also
>>> do some python programming in my free time for fun and for hobby
>>> projects.
>>> I haven't been to any ChiPy meetings yet, as I just joined a couple of
>>> weeks ago.  I should be able to make it to the October 11 meeting.
>>> I'm looking forward to seeing some of the cool stuff that other python
>>> enthusiasts in Chicago are up to.
>>> -David
>>> --
>>> David Dumas
>>> Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science
>>> University of Illinois at Chicago
>>> http://www.math.uic.edu/~ddumas/
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