[Chicago] Talk ideas for May

Randy Baxley randy7771026 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 21 17:24:03 CEST 2013

+1 for virtualenv and on the where is your project going might could be a
seperate discussion online that you could start online somewhere else if it
is too much for this forum.  I like the idea of Vagrant but the one I tried
to set up in Xubunto broke.

On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 10:00 AM, Christopher Allan Webber <
cwebber at dustycloud.org> wrote:

> Hello all,
> It's been a while since I've given a talk at ChiPy.  I have several
> topics queued up that I'd love to speak about:
>  - Hy: a lisp that transforms itself into the python AST.  It's really
>    cool, and I think it may have an extremely interesting future!
>    http://hy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
>    http://hylang.org/
>  - Should MediaGoblin be a Django application?
>    ~2 years into being developed as a "django-like" web application that
>    does not use django and in fact uses no framework and just cobbles
>    together a bunch of good libraries, it's time for a reflection: was
>    that the right choice?  What historical reasons lead to this
>    decision?  Have the reasons stayed the same?  What have we learned?
>    What would switching look like, and why should or shouldn't we?
>  - In-project virtualenvs (lightning talk)
>    This talk advocates for an unusual method of setting up a virtualenv
>    that I believe will make things a lot easier for your contributors.
>  - Release your secret sauce
>    This talk is more of a social/philosophical talk about trends in web
>    development.  Releasing libraries as FOSS is the hip/cool thing to
>    do, but why aren't we seeing as many full web applications being
>    released in such a manner?
> I am going to suggest I give talks on #1 and also #3 since it's super
> short.  The other ones I'm still interested in talking about in the
> near-future, though.
> Alternately we could do an ALL CHRIS WEBBER CHIPY wait that's a terrible
> idea let's not.
>  - cwebb
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