[Chicago] shared ipynb packages

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Fri Aug 9 17:53:52 CEST 2013

No, but is there such a thing? Everyone hates on Java so much but I think
we have you beat with tools like maven. UNLESS there is a tool like maven
or ivy or something for python. That would be completely awesome. Please
tell me about it.

What this thing is actually is that you can make an ipython notebook, and
have a bunch of files and stuff, and share it with people... but I don't
think you can import it magically.

I vaguely recall bookmarking something to read about that though...
http://nbviewer.ipython.org/6011986 I haven't had a chance to read all of
that. It's on my radar because I want to be able to launch jobs that run
people's code related to their published papers because this is something
related to my job.


On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 10:15 AM, JP Bader <jp at zavteq.com> wrote:

> Is this like a version of maven for Python?
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 10:03 AM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:
>> okay, I don't mind marketing email from continuum about wakari because it
>> comes very seldomly and usually has really cool stuff. I got this today:
>> http://continuum.io/blog/introducing-bundles
>> shiny!
>> --
>> sheila
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